My other gallery at Deviantart is:
My other adult gallery is:
too many dialog balloons pop up for me between this page and your recent one lol. I'll have to throw em down and send them to you lol.
But yeah, I'd like to see what you have for Raven and Starfire now as well... you have a great style. Very fresh and unique. Something that doesn't bore a viewer at all. Keep it going mang! Too bad Deviantart are a bunch of asses towards your artwork.Keep up the great work!
Fantastic man. I wish we could have something this hardcore with raven =D
So is this the last page.
muito show =D
realmente deviantart não ia deixar mesmo xD
A julgar pela gozada, o Billy estava precisando MUITO disso! :D
Ótima página, Wagner! É o final ou teremos um "aftermath"?
Lol, I bet he goes right back to the video games.
YES YES YES! YOU ARE THE MAN WAGNER!!! I'm telling you you should work on a comic for this because the pics you have thus far are TOO GOOD.
And I think im going to ahve to agree with sonicdude135, you should consider doing something on the same level with Raven.
Thanks!!! I really think your sigestion is great!!! About Raven!
Tenho a página 4 que estou fazendo agora, eu planejo fazer ainda mais algumas páginas!!!
Fico contente que voce tenha gostado!
Glad you did a finale on this one. :D
There will be some more pages!
ja sabe k adorei ^3^
I'm so glad that there will be more pages!! I really enjoy watching your art!
I'm glad you liked the suggestion with raven. Most of your pics have been wonderful. But they were also teases. =P
id love to see raven doing something a little more hardcore in your style =P (maybe even a little sucking haha)
only thing is who would do it to her? she never really shows any romance in the cartoon.
although she can use her psychic power to trick anyone into doing it if she wanted to =P most likely would proabbly be beastboy.
anyways im gonna shut up before I get carried away,
Even thinking about it, I couldn't come up with anything funny to say. >;3
too many dialog balloons pop up for me between this page and your recent one lol. I'll have to throw em down and send them to you lol.
But yeah, I'd like to see what you have for Raven and Starfire now as well... you have a great style. Very fresh and unique. Something that doesn't bore a viewer at all. Keep it going mang! Too bad Deviantart are a bunch of asses towards your artwork.Keep up the great work!
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