Friday, September 25, 2009

Lindsay, removed from deviantart.

As deviantart removed this pic, I just posted it in here.


Warrior said...

where do i see the first 6 pages and I defiantly want 8

Unknown said...

Cara sou teu fã, muito bons teus desenhos,,, parabens pelo talento! Very Good!

Anonymous said...

They really are picking on you at DA, aren't they?

MDetector5 said...

She looks pretty good. Why did they remove this, anyway?

Silverthorn said...

I knew it's always been for the lulz as long as that Hitler R2 stands. DAMMIT!

XxHieixX said...

Warrior - They are not out yet, he is still working on them.

Love this pic Wagner, I made a comment on your latest one on deviant... more gwen :)

Can't believe they took down this piece from deviant-art, well at least you always have here to post up.