Thursday, June 28, 2007

kim and Shego


Trish said...

Heheh, someone should tell Shego that the saying "catching them with their pants down" wasn't intended to be literal. :D

CDB said...

To awesome to even gawk and stare at...but I will!!!


Awesome job, wagner.

MDetector5 said...

This is very nice work. This is quite cute and sexy. I think Kimmy there needs a spanking...

MoonDarter said...

There is nothing about this picture I don't like. I think this is my favorite of all of your works so far.

BillyWitchDoctor said...

I think Shego would agree with me: I could nibble on them sweetbuns allllllll day.


(In one episode, the villain dropped Kim into the clutches of a giant mutant squid. She escaped by tickling it, and it probably wants revenge for that. Just thought I'd mention this...)

SickBoy said...

Dude you need to get your ass over to

Fraichlier said...

THOSE BASTARDS ON DEVIANTART BANNED YOU, DIDNT THEY! This just goes to show how afraid the mods are of little children seeing these pictures, but really, little children shouldnt be on deviantart anyways...

I'm really sorry to hear that you were banned, I am a huge fan of your work and I am sad to see it all go down the drain. And to make it worse, I think they're still making revenue off of your gallery!

Nice picture by the way XD

dborjal007 said...

Not a big Kigo Fan but like the drawing!!!

Sorry to hear you are no longer welcomed at Deviantart. Only i have to say is they are stupid.

Love your work.

BillyWitchDoctor said...

Just found out about the DA banning. Well, at least you're in good company; Fluffy's been banned twice, and most good artists who go past a PG rating have had at least one artwork removed.

I agree with Sickboy's WWOEC recommendation (although WWOEC tends to lean more toward "hardcore raunch" than "sexy sexy"). There are other places that aren't as bunged-up about boobies as DA...

CRICKET said...

DA is so stupid! I'm sick of them banning good and skilled artist like you cause they can't post anything that is over the PG rateing. When good artists submit semi-nude characters, they get deleted or they get banned because they thinks it's PORN. But when people post photo of chicks wearing nothing but pearl and stocking in a sexy pose, it's art not porn.

That's why I'm leaving DA. I already starting my own art blog. So, I can post my arts with out getting banned.

Sonicdude135 said...

Heard what happened at DA man. Thats some Bull Crap. But dont let it get ya down. your not the first this has happened to. They are unfair. they dont make rules. They just randomly pick people that they dont like and bann them. Plenty of artist get away with stuff on DA merely cause they friends with Admins.

it really is unfair over thier.

Sadarax said...

Sorry to see that you were banned from the DA. How long? Permanent? I love the WWOEC, and you would be sure to get in if you wanted. They don't really care if you do just sexy sexy (like you see to do) or hardcore. Most members seems to post more sexual and hardcore material, but there are some well known artists who do lots of Pinups.

But still, I hope you do whatever is best for you in the end. Thanks for posting your artwork.

wagner said...

Hi, Wagner here.

Thanks for all the messages.

I plan to wait till I know if this gallery will be banned permanentally.
If it is, I think about two possible solutions.
People are sugesting me to try WWOEC or other art related site, I´m still searching for a good one.

And, I still have an old, unused Deviantart gallery, still working, even if there is no pic in there.
If I start to use it, I will post the correct DE link in here!

wagner said...

Please, could somebody tell to somepeople at Deviantart I can´t send notes, messages or even reply to comments?
As I´m banished, all these features are cancelled too.

Thank you.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This is one of my favorites, nice work I always wondered how you draw like this it pretty sweet. Keep up the good work and do more. (P.S I usually don't like to request stuff and I'm not sure how open you are to suggestions, but if you could find time will you make a Ben 10, Kim possible, Kids next door, Fairly oddparents, Foster's, Juniper Lee, another Billy and Mandy comic, or a teen titans comic? Ok thank you, bye.)