Wednesday, April 11, 2007

new unused pic!!!

New unuse dpic!


Sonicdude135 said...

Love massy. Good job on it wagner.
Did you change the way you draw her hair by the way??

wagner said...

Hi! Ah, yes, I changed her hair, to show less her hat...

One reason to post thiese unused pics, is that unfortunatelly, Lilly series will be not made anymore. That´s sad.

But, in the other hand, the same client asked for a new adult comics series.

I and my friend are making the new series right now. When it is ready, I will say more!

Anonymous said...

How do you get a gig drawing a comic for an established, profitable adult site, so that you as an artist get paid?

Jennifer said...

Wagnerf, Please, can you find DrunkenArtist and have him draw Sabrina the Teenage Witch?

Angie Ryuu said...

queremos mais dirty pic! xD

MDetector5 said...

This is some sexy work! She is looking most certainly sexy.