Saturday, September 09, 2006

Frankie bath.

A new fanpic of Frankie, as sugested by a friend
This time, I used my own way to color... To make the volumns of her body...


Rintrah Wako said...

Wagner, you make me a happy man...

Phil said...

it makes you think, doesn't it?

That grin on the imaginary towel friend is creepy, yet fitting XD

Kaylarse said...

The large globlets of water are very well drawn, and I love her shocked pose combined with trying to cover herself up. What I love the most is the textures you use in the background to give it a splattered paint effect. Awesome work as always.

Manetoys said...

Sexy work there :D

Sonicdude135 said...

Wow Go away for the weekend to look at a School And come back and surely enough you have a new pic up ^^
Good job. Wish I had more to say but im tired from the flight home..

SDexe said...

Well well, I've found an another marvelous toon artist of the highest calibur. Describing your works with mere words like "brilliant, excellent, exceptional, fabulus, fantastic, first-rate, marvelous, magnificent, outstanding, suplendid, superb, terrific, etc..." just wouldn't do no justice. Your arts are, really, I can't describe them with words, man. Just know that you have earned yourself a life time fan (if you don't mind ^^;).

And it is pleasure to make an aquintance. (^_^)b

wagner said...

Thanks a lot for your words!
I hope you like the next pics I´m drawing at this moment!

Dirty n Evil said...

I've always liked the geek-hotness of Frankie. Makes you wonder if perhaps she doesn't have a few "adult" imaginary friends to keep her company, though. ;)